Supplying the ExCel NHS Nightingale Hospital

You may have seen in the national news that London’s ExCel Centre is transforming into a 4,000 bed, 2 ward field hospital.

We are proud to say that Cladding Warehouse is helping with the transformation. On 25 March we made an urgent delivery of 1155 2.5mm K-Panel white hygienic cladding sheets to the ExCel Centre site in London’s Docklands.

A further two deliveries have been made since 26 March taking the total number of sheets delivered to 3,910. The Cladding Warehouse team took the orders from the same London-based buyer.

Cladding Warehouse and our group companies are all responding to meet the needs of the NHS, the MoD and other essential organisations and businesses during the current crisis.

Staying Safe

We are continuing to follow the Government’s recommended hygiene and social guidelines to protect our staff and our customers and we are playing our part in helping the UK respond to the coronavirus outbreak.
